The Truth About Clairvoyants

I guess all I can say is the truth about clairvoyants as I have discovered so far. I'm sure that I wont' be able to get to all of the things that even I know in this posting, let alone all of the things that I don't know (and lets face it, who knows when I'll get to those...)

One of the reasons that I wanted to write on this topic is that I feel that there is a lot of room for more information on the subject mostly because it differs from person to person. The one thing that I know is true of all people though, is that we are all clairvoyant to some degree. Some are born with a direct line of access to it and some need some guidance to develop their awareness of it, but everyone is born with at least a kernel of clairvoyance.

All of us see things differently and we see different things. The information won't be the same from clairvoyant to clairvoyant nor will the delivery system. Some folks hear the information, some see it, some feel it, some smell it, some taste it, some do all at the same time, some dream it, some have visions, sometimes it's not even possible to pin down how you got the information. We are all just reading energy and the energy is in whatever form it is in.

I don't know about other clairvoyants, but I need to meditate every day to keep in psychic shape. Don't get me wrong, I don't always manage to do it, but I know that I need to. I am so much clearer when I do. And being clear is the same as being clairvoyant. Not to mention that I see things that I wasn't even looking for. I learn so much just by meditating a little bit. I learn about me, about energy in general, about the people around me, etc. In fact the other day I saw the coolest thing about the energy of anxiety and why it is an obstacle to manifesting, look for it in detail in an upcoming posting.

It isn't always easy, reading, not for me at least. That's why in readings I ask a lot of questions. There is a lot of information out there and in order to impart what it is that the client is asking for we sometimes need a lot of cross referencing clues. It's also why some clairvoyants use cards. I find that it focuses the information really well.

I heard a psychic on a t.v. show say, "I read energy and sometimes thoughts, I don't just pull facts out of thin air." I really liked that level of realism in a show. I do watch the shows Medium and Ghost Whisperer, but I feel frustrated with how many things on them I don't recognize or feel are sensationalized for ratings. It's true a lot of clairvoyants see dead people, but they see a lot of other stuff too. It seems unrealistic to me that someone who can see dead people so clearly that they look like living people and she can talk to them doesn't seem to see the energy of the people around her.

I guess Medium is a little more realistic, but it still centers around the fact that she only sees crimes. I have one psychic friend who says that when she first got really open clairvoyantly she got all kinds of useless information like how much her check would be before she ordered her meal. I used to know what song would be on the radio right before it would come on, how helpful is that? It's not like there is some cosmic overlord shooting us bolts of information that we need to know NOW! It's more like you are open to seeing/sensing the energy around you and some of it is just there with no particular purpose. Thank goodness you can usually tell when this is happening. Questions in a reading help wade through some of this flotsam.

It's so much easier to say what a clairvoyant isn't because of all of the misinformation out there. I am really trying to keep this positive, but I find myself wanting to say, "we don't do this, and we aren't like that..."

We don't see everything that is going to happen all of the time. There are things that are meant to happen that may be less than pleasant. Knowing about these things can affect whether they happen or not. But I do admit that I really hate it when some smart ass says, "you're psychic, why didn't you know that was going to happen?" Personally, I don't want to know everything that is going to happen. Movies are really boring when you know everything that is going to happen, I'll bet life is the same way.

More on this subject later, it's just too big for one post.

1 comment:

  1. One big thing I've been focusing a lot of critical thought on is how much guessing there is. Someone asked me once what it's like having those certain senses or as they put it, "predicting the future all the time" and I couldn't help but laugh because of how exalted people probably see clairvoyant tuned people. I told him it's mostly guessing, mainly because of how the future is so drastically contingent on free will, cause and effect which makes it so variant. Seldom do I see any further than moments into the future, dreams I'll see years into the future sometimes but they're never anything important, no cosmic significance, almost like I walked in on my future self having a normal day. in all honesty, when my friend was asking me about it, it was odd because I don't see my abilities as.. well, abilities per say. More capabilities than anything. I've been dying to reach out lately, find more people like us to gain some incite, this article is my first attempt at that.
