I came to learn about my clairvoyant side as a tool for self-healing. As I learned it, the less "issues" that you have clouding your vision (or distracting your spirit) the clearer you get information. It's really awesome because every time you shift an issue, you feel really joyful AND you feel more clear clairvoyantly!
I always associated the word "healing" with the would "wound", it never occurred to me that there are other things that need healing. We walk around with the energy of misunderstandings all of the time, it's part of being human. Every time we walk away from an experience still angry, or hurt or fearful it stays with us in our space (body, chakras, aura, etc.). It pulls our focus subconsciously all of the time. And we have thousands of these little moments floating around us pulling our focus all of the time. It gets worse when we encounter another situation that is dynamically the same. Because then our conscious focus is on it, but not really, our focus is on the pain or the anger or the whatever we held onto and we react the same way again, just adding more misunderstanding to the experience.
What we are supposed to be doing is seeing these experiences as they happen truthfully as if we are a blank canvas or an empty vessel, impossible, right? If we learn how to "view" the experience in this neutral state then we are able to shift the pain or anger or misunderstanding to understanding. You can view this clairvoyantly and energy work helps you to shift that energy. That is why you feel so joyful afterward because you are literally unburdening yourself. This is what I wrote about in my book that will be coming out soon (I hope) and what I teach. I am not claiming that it is my method, I am just claiming to understand it and it's power. It is my personal experience of this method's power that makes me want to share it with the world. It flat out changed my life for the better.
I am a huge advocate for self-healing of any kind. Any time you take on the task of dealing with your own issues as opposed to having someone else help you, it's going to be more powerful. I do admit there are times when you will get in your own way and truly do need a professional to help you, but if you are working on it yourself on a constant basis when you do need to call on someone to help, it will be so much easier. This is also why I like to teach this method because it really encourages you to take your life by the reins, in short it empowers you.
I'm not saying don't get readings from other people, by all means, you gotta start somewhere. But I encourage everyone to at least try working on their own energy. I thought I'd be a total failure at it and I couldn't have been more wrong. I know some people think that psychics and all that they do are ungodly, but this work brought me back to God in a way that I never thought possible. I think the more capable you make yourself of loving, and this work really does do that, the closer you become to God's goal for us.
I believe, body and soul, that being an advocate for self-healing is my purpose on this planet. It feels like I am meant to "rally the troops". I would never have known this if I didn't do this work on myself, and knowing my purpose is, well, awesome. There is plenty of room for all of us to become masters and be our own gurus. Let's hear it for enlightenment! Rah, Rah, Om!
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